RENOL's main objectives are the safety and comfort of the patient. We set great store by prevention.
In line with the expectations of nursing staff, we have perfected a range of prophylactic products which incorporates various discreet but extremely effective forms of aid.
Constantly in touch with health-care professionals, we have based ourselves on empirical findings.
Out of this situation arose RENOL, which offers a complete range of professional, competitive products which perfectly meet the needs of patients of all ages in terms of safety and daily comfort, regardless of their particular physical or motoric handicap, be it mild or severe, temporary or permanent. These devices have been designed to be used in both hospitals and rehabilitation centres, in rest homes and in home care.

Created on:2024年11月22日 13:52

Renol is present at the exposition Medica 2024 in Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 17